Could My Repeated Headaches Be Serious? What You Should Know
The general view seems to be that headaches are more of a nuisance than a condition worthy of medical attention. Many of our parents teach us from a young age that if we grit our teeth, pop a few aspirin, and go about our day, the pain will pass. Even severe headaches, such as migraines,
BY: Dr. Michael Newman

Spinal Decompression: 3 Benefits of Disc Decompression Therapy
Back pain happens to a lot of different people for many reasons. No reason is so pernicious, though, as back injuries. Fortunately, a simple, noninvasive treatment can help you manage and perhaps completely stop your back pain: spinal disc decompression therapy. A patient of mine used to work as a firefighter. One day he and
BY: Dr. Michael Newman

4 Natural Remedies for Back Pain and Other Chronic Pain Conditions
Saying that chronic pain is your body’s way of letting you know something is wrong doesn’t make it any easier to endure. Whether you suffer from nerve pain, low back pain, joint pain, or neck pain. Knowing as much may help you find relief, and not just for the pain itself but the underlying condition,
BY: Dr. Michael Newman

Is a Chiropractor the Solution for Low Back Pain?
Unless you’ve been in outer space the last few decades, you probably know what a chiropractor does. You may also know that low back pain is quietly becoming an epidemic. This pain is sweeping across the United States and everyone suffering is desperate to find a solution. Some buy Delta 8 oils and supplements to
BY: Dr. Michael Newman

5 Reasons to Check Your Child’s Spine Health Before School
Every year, when August rolls around, there are a few certainties: it’s going to be hot, it will probably rain more than anyone would like, and kids are going to be going back to school shortly. As summer winds down, there is no better time to take note of the health of your children. Not only
BY: Dr. Michael Newman

5 New Year’s Resolutions Your Chiropractor Can Help You Keep
A New Year always brings about reflections on life, and we often make resolutions to create big changes for the coming year. Not only change in terms of what our calendar says, but change in our life as well. This is why we make resolutions; because we all want to improve ourselves in some way
BY: Dr. Michael Newman

Can Your Chiropractor Help With Leg Pain?
If you suffer from chronic leg pain, it could be the sign of something deeper and much more serious. Pain in the legs can be passing or persistent. It’s easy enough to shake off occasional pain in your legs that comes from doing activities you don’t normally do. Chronic pain, however, can be distracting, distressing,
BY: Dr. Michael Newman

Reduce Your Back Pain by Boosting Magnesium Intake
Magnesium is one of the most critical vitamins to our bodies. It is already found in large quantities in the body, and is vital to many of the body’s functions, such as helping to promote proper bowel function and regulating blood sugar. But magnesium has also been known to help reduce and lower back pain
BY: Dr. Michael Newman

Back Pain and Sciatica Suffers Have To Know About This New Treatment
A breakthrough medical technology offers new hope for serious back pain sufferers. Recently discovered, studies show that Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy has a high success rate in treating serious and debilitating pain in the back, even in cases with multiple herniated discs and sciatica. Can you Avoid Back Surgery? Non-surgical spinal decompression has a high
BY: Dr. Michael Newman

Hot Stuff: Cold Laser Therapy
Hear the word “laser” and you might imagine beams of light tossed around a scene in the latest sci-fi flick. In fact, cold laser therapy is rooted in science, and it’s effects certainly aren’t fiction. It just might be the non-surgical solution to the chronic pain or slow-to-heal wound that’s been bothering you. Here are
BY: Dr. Michael Newman