Is a Chiropractor the Solution for Low Back Pain?
Unless you’ve been in outer space the last few decades, you probably know what a chiropractor does. You may also know that low back pain is quietly becoming an epidemic. This pain is sweeping across the United States and everyone suffering is desperate to find a solution. Some buy Delta 8 oils and supplements to help treat their minor pain and inflammation, many with more serious pains opt to go through with invasive surgeries. It is a shame that many people do not know how useful a chiropractor can be. They help to alleviate that back pain just as good as – if not better than – any pain relief medication. In fact, many people have misconceptions about what chiropractors actually do.
Chiropractors can help with low back pain through a process of “realignment.” By pressing on the joints of the spine, it is realigned. This is completed with Action Spine & Joint realignment which allows a relief of pressure. It also helps to alleviate the source of chronic discomfort. The adjustment is performed by chiropractors either directly with their hands or through the use of a device. The device can apply a controlled force to the spinal joints. How much force is required is dependent on which type of manipulation is used. This treatment should only be carried out by medical professionals; you should resist the urge to crack your own back.
This type of back treatment is one of the most common forms of alternative medical care in the United States. 1 in 12 adults opted to visit a chiropractor in 2012 alone. Several million adjustments are being performed each year. The question now whether those treatments actually have any affect or not.
The Science
The short answer is: they do. In an analysis of scientific literature performed in 2011, twenty-six studies were able to show that chronic lower back pain could be reduced by spinal manipulation. Chiropractic adjustments were shown to better patient outlook significantly. Short-term physical functions were improved in patients following adjustments. Those functions including things such as bending over, light lifting, and climbing stairs. Chiropractic adjustment a valid solution for back pain. It also works for neck pain and other types of bone and joint pain as well.
According to the National Institutes of Health, spinal manipulation is a safe treatment when it is performed by a chiropractor who has been trained and licensed. Complications are very rare. They recommend mixing chiropractic adjustment with exercise, physical therapy, and massage to get the best outcomes. In the guidelines put forth by the American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society, spinal manipulation is a viable treatment option for practitioners. Practitioners use these methods on patients whose low back pain is not getting better through self-care.
Micronutrient Testing
Some conditions, however, may require more than regular spinal adjustments. For example, Micronutrient Testing is a procedure that helps determine the efficiency of an individual’s cellular function. Medical professionals can more easily develop nutrition plans on a case-by-case basis because of such testing. This allows them to better treat the causes of painful symptoms.
A case study performed by SpectraCell Laboratories studied a 65-year-old male who suffered from Arthritis in his spine region. As part of the case, he underwent Micronutrient Testing. This was to figure out whether his condition might improve with the right diet and supplements. The subject of the study had been having chronic pain in his low back and lower limbs. The pain came after a surgery the previous year. The case study concluded that the subject was low in key nutrients. For four months he followed a guideline of nutritional supplements and diet restrictions. After, the subject reported no pain in his back or legs. He was even able to give up opioids because of his improvement!
Other types of testing, such as CardioMetabolic Testing performed by SpectraCell Laboratories, can help doctors determine whether patients are at risk for cardiovascular diseases. Among those most commonly detected are Type 2 Diabetes and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
Chiropractic care is an attractive option for many patients. Given the invasive nature of many back pain treatments and the high risk of side effects or addiction with the use of prescription pain medication. In conjunction with regular chiropractic treatment, Micronutrient and CardioMetabolic Testing can help relieve pain and prevent disease.
Don’t take low back pain lying down. Learn more about Micronutrient and Cardiovascular Testing options, or to set up an appointment! To do so contact Dr. Michael Newman. Let his Miami chiropractic team help you defeat pain!
BY: Dr. Michael Newman
Back Health Miami, Chiropractic In Miami, Nutrition, Pain, Posture
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