You Know It’s Time to Visit a Miami Chiropractor This Week (and Here’s Why)
Maybe you’ve been to one before. Maybe this would be your first time. But, if you’ve been considering it recently, seeing a Miami chiropractor about that back or joint pain isn’t something that you should put off any longer. It’s time to stop making excuses and start putting your health first. In fact, I think
BY: Dr. Michael Newman

What Is Causing My Hip Pain? It Could Be One of These 5 Causes
Hip pain is an all too common problem, and it doesn’t only affect those in their golden years. Anyone, from high school athletes to grandma and grandpa, can experience hip pain for many different reasons. The exact cause of your hip pain can be difficult to discern, but with the right knowledge, you and your
BY: Dr. Michael Newman

Sitting Is a Major Health Problem. This Simple Habit Can Protect You.
By now, you’ve probably heard it—sitting is bad for you and can cause severe back pain. Not only does sitting for extended lengths of time cause problems in your hips and back, research shows that it is slowly killing you. According to Nilofer Merchant, who presented a TED Talk on the subject in 2013, we
BY: Dr. Michael Newman

How to Stop Low Back Pain with 5 Healthy Lifestyle Changes
All it takes is a quick twist when you bend to pick something up. Or maybe your problem is more chronic—sitting at a desk for hours on end can do a number on your spine. Whatever the cause, if you want to stop low back pain from affecting your life, you need to take steps
BY: Dr. Michael Newman

Advice from a Chiropractic Physician: How to Survive Your Desk Job
The desk job: you just can’t seem to get away from low back and neck pain. But would you change things up if your chiropractic physician told you to? Well, if you’re going to a Chiropractic Dubai then you’re going in the right direction to leave your back pains in the past. Regardless of the
BY: Dr. Michael Newman

Top Lower Back Pain Causes: Do you Know Why You’re Hurting?
Take a moment. Can you remember the last time you found yourself at the end of your day, spending time at home without an aching back? If you said yes, and don’t have one of the top lower back pain causes, then count yourself lucky. “Eighty percent of the population of the United States, at
BY: Dr. Michael Newman

Sciatica Treatment: 4 Ways to Ease the Pain
If you’ve ever experienced sciatica, you know just how excruciating the pain can be. Part of the reason is the sheer size of the sciatic nerve, which begins as a nerve bundle in your lower spine and continues down the back of each leg. Pain from sciatica can run the entire length of the nerve,
BY: Dr. Michael Newman

Back Pain Tips: How to Get through the Holidays without your Chiropractor
As the holidays approach, it’s important to prepare some strategies to handle back pain on your own. While you might be able to squeeze in an emergency chiropractic session, because of travel and other family obligations or your chiropractor might not be available. Because back pain is an individual experience, make sure to talk to
BY: Dr. Michael Newman

4 Workers Comp Tips for Filing Your Claim Correctly
If you’ve ever been injured at work, you know that you need to follow certain guidelines when submitting paperwork for an injury. Filing a workers comp claim is important business. If not taken care of properly, you could be denied your claim and out of work while you recover. Your livelihood is at stake. You
BY: Dr. Michael Newman

DOL Workers Comp Doctor: My Talk with the Postal Workers Union
In August, I had the pleasure of speaking in front of the local Postal Workers Union at a forum for the National Association of Letter Carriers. During this talk, I was able to speak about finding the right DOL workers comp doctor for any injuries they sustain on the job. The following is adapted from
BY: Dr. Michael Newman