Emotional Causes Of Pain
When our body suffers from some physical pain, most of the time the first thing we think is that we made a bad movement, that we slept in a weird position, or something related. We rarely stop to think that all our physical pain can be a consequence of our emotions. Our bodies and emotions
BY: Dr. Newman
Add this natural pain management to your care: Foot Levelers
Let’s talk about foot levelers Custom foot levelers can reduce pain, improve walking, reduce stress on other parts of the body, and stop or prevent the development of foot deformities. Foot levelers are unique, handmade, and specially designed for your feet, from these, we will obtain great benefits such as improved balance and a stabilized
BY: Dr. Newman
Dry Needling
Dry needling is a modern treatment technique designed to ease muscular pain. In this procedure, small filiform needles that don’t inject fluid into the body (that’s why the term “dry” is used) are inserted into myofascial trigger points (known as painful knots in muscles), tendons, ligaments, or near nerves in order to stimulate a healing
BY: Dr. Newman
Dancing: The perfect complement to chiropractic treatment
Usually, chiropractors prescribe home exercise as part of their management plan. Advice concerning home exercise was equally associated with positive outcomes. The lack of patient engagement in prescribed exercise is one of the main limiting factors in its potential efficacy in treating musculoskeletal conditions. Health not only means the “absence of illness”, but a state
BY: Dr. Newman
Does Your Injury Qualify For An OWCP Claim? 5 Key Questions
Sadly, when it comes to having a Worker’s Compensation claim accepted, things are not that black and white. The Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) has a very specific set of rules and standards for making the connection between what happened at work and an injury. If you are a mail carrier and a dog
BY: Dr. Michael Newman
DOL Doctors Are Different
If you choose a doctor who doesn’t understand DOL workers comp, you’ll likely have to use your personal health insurance. That means copays and deductibles, but worst of all, it means that you will lose your lifetime workers compensation benefits. DOL Doctors are different because we know how to file your federal work injury claim
BY: Dr. Michael Newman
4 Common Questions about Florida Workers Compensation
Florida workers compensation can be difficult to understand. When you’re injured on the job, what you need is to know what you can expect when you file a claim. You need something that is uncomplicated and straightforward, which is what I want to provide to you today. As a doctor who is well-versed in workers
BY: Dr. Michael Newman
Florida Workers’ Compensation: Is a Car Accident on Work Time Covered?
Under Florida workers’ compensation laws, many situations can result in a claim payout. But is a car accident on work time covered? I once knew a woman who suffered from spinal discomfort and TMJ pain. After years of working through the pain at a shipping facility, she had finally had enough and came to me
BY: Dr. Michael Newman
Can I Get Benefits for My Workers’ Compensation Carpal Tunnel Claim?
If you’ve got carpal tunnel syndrome and your job is to blame, you’re probably wondering whether your workers’ compensation carpal tunnel claim stands a chance. Can you get the benefits and compensation you deserve? Allow me to answer this question. But first, what is carpal tunnel syndrome? What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Carpal tunnel syndrome
BY: Dr. Michael Newman
Tired of Back Pain? 5 Reasons You Should Try Spinal Decompression
When you’re in pain, even the simplest tasks can feel grueling, especially if it’s your back that is hurting you. Fortunately, there is a simple way to treat many forms of back pain that does not involve invasive surgery or addictive pain relievers—spinal decompression. This painless treatment gently stretches the spine so that it can
BY: Dr. Michael Newman