16 Aug 2017
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Spinal Decompression: 3 Benefits of Disc Decompression Therapy
Back pain happens to a lot of different people for many reasons. No reason is so pernicious, though, as back injuries. Fortunately, a simple, noninvasive treatment can help you manage and perhaps completely stop your back pain: spinal disc decompression therapy. A patient of mine used to work as a firefighter. One day he and
BY: Dr. Michael Newman
03 May 2017
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Work Injury? 3 Ways Your Chiropractor Can Establish Cause for Your Back Pain and 2 Things You Can Do to Help
So, you were injured on the job? Is the Office of Workers’ Compensation Program (OWCP) is giving you a hard time with your claim. What to do? Your job has become difficult. Perhaps it is even impossible, because of your work injury. Still, you have to keep working to meet your financial responsibilities. It’s a
BY: Dr. Michael Newman