Stress in the Workplace: Chiropractic Treatment and Massage for Women
It’s no secret that the modern workplace has a stress problem. The need to separate stress in the workplace from the rest of life is attested to in the term “work-life balance.” According to The American Institute of Stress, workplace stress costs U.S. industry about $300 billion a year because of accidents, missed work, worker turnover, low productivity, medical and legal costs, and workers’ compensation awards. At a more granular level, the cost of stress affects the very physiology of workers, with an estimated 30 percent of workers suffering from back pain attributing the pain to stress.
As caregivers and professionals, women often feel the effects of workplace stress even more acutely than men. Women have their responsibilities at work, but they must also take care of their children—for example, women are often in charge of taking their children to the doctor when they are sick. Many times, women have difficulty separating work from their home lives because they have demanding responsibilities in both. Stress from one part of their lives often spills over into the other, which can have consequences for not only their professional and domestic roles but for their health, too.
Stress is a major problem, but it is surmountable with the right help.
BY: Dr. Michael Newman
Chiropractic In Miami
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