Acupuncture May Be the Help You Need for Neck Pain
Neck pain is an issue that affects millions of people across the world alone. Unfortunately, there are so many disparate causes of neck pain. Short of surgery, many neck pain patients feel it is almost impossible to cure because of its reputation. Many of these people feel that strong pain medication or a same day
BY: Dr. Michael Newman
Can Your Chiropractor Help With Leg Pain?
If you suffer from chronic leg pain, it could be the sign of something deeper and much more serious. Pain in the legs can be passing or persistent. It’s easy enough to shake off occasional pain in your legs that comes from doing activities you don’t normally do. Chronic pain, however, can be distracting, distressing,
BY: Dr. Michael Newman
Hot Stuff: Cold Laser Therapy
Hear the word “laser” and you might imagine beams of light tossed around a scene in the latest sci-fi flick. In fact, cold laser therapy is rooted in science, and it’s effects certainly aren’t fiction. It just might be the non-surgical solution to the chronic pain or slow-to-heal wound that’s been bothering you. Here are
BY: Dr. Michael Newman