The Benefits of Massage
Stress takes its toll on the body and the mind. It can lead to anxiety and depression as well as chronic pain and musculoskeletal problems. Massage therapy seeks to address the effects that take place in both.
High-level professional women, like their male counterparts, must find a way to cope with the stress of their work while balancing their family life, as well. But they must also deal with some gender-specific issues, such as menstrual cycle issues and pregnancy.
Undergoing regular massage therapy sessions gives your mind a space to leave the stresses of the workplace, and the stresses of life in general, behind. The atmosphere of the massage space—often dimly lit with soft music playing in the background—and the techniques employed by the massage therapist allow your thoughts to stray from the everyday stresses that you experience. Even that small respite can help you to approach your work with renewed vigor so that you can take on the challenges you face with confidence and energy.
Chronic stress causes your muscles to tense, the long term effects of which include headaches, joint pain, back pain, and neck pain. When you are in pain, it’s easy for the stress to snowball and wear you down. Massage therapy helps your muscles return from a tense state to a relaxed one. That return to relaxation can lead to better concentration and performance at work, not to mention better moods and more energy at home, so that you can actually enjoy your time off from work with your family and friends.
How Chiropractic Treatment Helps
Much like massage therapy, chiropractic care can help your body return to a balanced state. As mentioned above, stress causes muscle tension. When the muscles are constantly tight, the body has to shift to accommodate the shape that the muscles want to make.
Think of how a stressed person sits at a desk—back hunched, jaw clenched, taking few breaks to get up and stretch. People’s bodies react to stress differently, a fact that is evident in which muscles become tense. However, the effect is often the same: the tense muscles force the body into a shape that causes misalignment in the spine and joints. Over time, this shape can cause problems like slipped discs and wear and tear on certain joints. These problems cause pain, which is not great for focus and productivity in the workplace.
In addition to the stress of work, women also have to contend with things like menstrual cycle issues, which can be so painful that they are literally debilitating. If they are pregnant or are trying to get pregnant, that’s another added stress. Chiropractic care can help with these issues, too.
Through regular adjustments, a chiropractor addresses the causes of these problems, providing relief from the pain caused by stress. Chiropractic care affects not only the musculoskeletal system but the neuro-musculoskeletal system by influencing the nervous system and viscera as well as bones, joints, and muscles. The positive outcomes demonstrate why it is the best path toward the non-drug treatment of menstrual and fertility problems as well as neurological ones like headaches and anxiety.
BY: Dr. Michael Newman
COMMENTS: 1 Comment
Can i get an estimate on how much would an adjustment cost? I’m currently pregnant in the second trimester and have lower back pain. I get sharp pains when I’m in a certain position or sitting for too long that affects when I stand up sometimes.